
Welcome to IEP Answers!

IEP Answers started when we believed there had to be a better way. We built that better way for parents to help their children through the IEP/504 process. I am so proud of the expert team we have assembled and am confident we will be able to help you best advocate for your child.

Please review IEPANSWERS.com. We feel it outlines exactly how we provide an innovate new option for families needing help. We believe you know your child best, and by teaming with IEP Answers, we feel your child can continue to grow, develop and succeed. We are always open to feedback, ideas, coaching or any success stories! Our contact form is a great way to reach us.

We look forward to succeeding with your child and family.

Best of luck,

Scott Herman
IEP Answers Founder
Daniel & Joey’s Dad

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  1. Jayne Herman

    We are so excited for this venture!

  2. Jane Doe
    Jane Doe

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      IEP Answers

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