We get it. The process you need to go through to review your IEP – Individualized Education Program or 504 Plan is stressful. We have been there. But we thought there must be a better way. We know if you are not happy with your child’s progress, you are looking for help. Few options for help exist, until now. IEP Answers is your partner in education. Our team of state licensed special education teachers review your IEP/504, they are on your side. The Essential IEP Review gives you the tools to change the results of your child’s IEP/504 meeting. We partner together and equip you with what you need to work with the school and ensure success for your child. Follow up calls with our professionals are always available, IEP Answers is with you every step of the way. Your child’s best advocate is you!

Why was IEP Answers Created?

IEP Answer’s founder, Scott Herman, has an Autistic son. He too was frustrated and learned as he went through multiple IEP meetings. How does it work? What options are available? IEP Answers was created because he believed there had to be a better way. Families need a reasonably priced option for help. Scott and an amazing team of believers committed to creating a new option for kids and families. IEP Answers was launched as a solution to empower parents and gives you the tools to best advocate for your child.

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